Cloudflare Magic Transit protects networks while improving performance
Cloudflare Magic Transit provides DDoS protection and traffic acceleration for on-premise, cloud, and hybrid networks. With data centers spanning 200 cities and over 42 Tbps in DDoS mitigation capacity, Magic Transit can detect and mitigate attacks close to their source of origin within 10 seconds (and less than 3 seconds on
average) — all with integrated performance benefits.
In this paper, we present results of Catchpoint tests we've run over our network to quantify the impact of latency with Magic Transit. These test results demonstrate that network performance (latency and packet loss) improved for the test customer when traffic was routed over Cloudflare Magic Transit. Specifically, we observed in our test results that the latency decreased by 3 ms and packet loss was nearly zero when traffic was routed over Magic Transit.
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Related Categories: Applications, Cloud, Data Center, ERP, Hardware, Network, VOIP

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