2022 Cybersecurity Preparedness Report for Critical Infrastructure Industries
Critical Infrastructure organizations are undergoing digital transformation, digitizing processes and adopting Internet of Things (IoT) technology to improve efficiency
and reliability. The resulting connectivity of operational technology (OT) to the internet and the convergence between OT and IT have created extreme efficiencies, as
well as new vulnerabilities and exposure to cybersecurity threats.
As the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) noted in a joint alert, cyber actors are demonstrating 'their
continued willingness to conduct malicious cyber activity against Critical Infrastructure by exploiting internetaccessible OT assets.' And these cyberattacks are growing
in their size, sophistication, and prevalence.
Many of the principles for defending your IT environmentapply to industrial control systems (ICS), supervisory controland data acquisition (SCADA) systems and other OT. But securing OT has additional complexities and considerations.
We've created this resource guide with more than 80 useful reference links, categorized and described, to shortcut your learning about the evolving Critical Infrastructure threat landscape, the modern industrial cybersecurity practices used for defense, and steps to formulating your own plans and strategies.
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Related Categories: AIM, Applications, Collaboration, Compliance, Connectivity, Digital transformation, Email, Firewall, IIOT, Internet of Things (IoT), IOT, Malware, Network, Processors, SAN, Server, Software

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2022 Cybersecurity Preparedness Report for Cr...
Critical Infrastructure organizations are undergoing digital transformation, digitizing processes and adopting Internet of Things (IoT) technology ...