Data Cataloging for Data Governance: 5 Essential Capabilities
How to drive your enterprise data governance program forward.
In today's innovation-driven economy, your ability to effectively leverage enterprise data determines success or failure. For any business seeking competitive advantage in data, enterprise data governance has become a strategic priority. Data governance ensures that data used to make critical business decisions is trustworthy. It enables you to measure and monitor the quality of your data, so that everything from analytics to customer experience initiatives are more successful.
A successful data governance program provides holistic, end-to-end governance of critical enterprise data. It ensures that enterprise data is trusted, governed, and protected.
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Related Categories: Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Cloud Applications, Cloud Computing, Cloud ERP, Cloud Platforms, Cloud Security, Cloud Storage, CRM, Data Analytics, Data Center, Data Centers, Databases, Digital transformation, Enterprise Cloud, ERP, Firewall, Hybrid Cloud, Infrastructure Management, Predictive Analytics, SaaS, SDDC, Server, Storage, Virtualization, Visual Analytics, VPN

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