General-Purpose NVMe-Based All-Flash Arrays to Dominate Revenue as the Enterprise NVMe Market Develops
IT managers in both enterprise and cloud environments are looking to nonvolatile memory express (NVMe) to drive needed storage performance as they add new types of real-time applications and grow their businesses.
For enterprise storage vendors, NVMe and the other storage technologies it enables like storage-class memory (SCM) represent the next shift in the external storage market. Vendors should already have articulated an NVMe strategy for their customers and may already be somewhat behind the market if they are not already shipping at least NVMe-compatible systems (those that can be nondisruptively upgraded to NVMe). High-performance storage solutions that support NVMe over Fabric (NVMe-oF) host connections are already available from a number of start-ups as well as more established storage vendors like NetApp.
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