Windows 7

Conversational Teams Management and Migration
The abrupt transition to everyone working from home forced IT to cut through all of the usual bureaucracy...

Brian Madden’s Playbook for Your Journey to the Cloud
Brian Madden, End-User Computing industry analyst and VMware resident expert, explains the big picture...

Fleet Management and Compliance Mini Guide
When you increase compliance and reap great rewards in return, that's a win-win. Especially when the...

Brian Madden's Playbook for Your Journey to the Cloud
Brian Madden, End-User Computing industry analyst and VMware resident expert, explains the big picture...

Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies
The deepest reference on Microsoft's productivity service Office 365 offers the same productivity power...

Replace AV Buyer’s Guide
Today's businesses face a unique set of security challenges. Many organizations know their current antivirus...

Replace AV Buyer's Guide
Today's businesses face a unique set of security challenges. Many organizations know their current antivirus...

Transforming the way Businesses Consume Technology
Technology has never been easier to pay for, manage and support. The way products and services are consumed...

The IT Salary and Skills Report 2017 (100 Page Full eBook)
What does your industry look like? Download this comprehensive IT industry salary report, with data from...

PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies
Get the basics on four key web programming tools in one great book! PHP, JavaScript, and HTML5 are essential...

Take Control of your Office 365 Data
This short, easy-to-read analyst report by 451 Research provides their view on the importance of backing...
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