Upgrade to State-of-the-Art Log Management
Most log messages traditionally come from three types: system logs of servers, network devices, and applications....

Python for Data Science For Dummies, 2nd Edition
The fast and easy way to learn Python programming and statistics Python For Data Science For Dummies...

Defend Yourself Against Ransomware and Other Types of Malware
The May 7, 2021, ransomware attack on U.S. fuel network Colonial Pipeline left millions afraid they couldn't...

Windows Server 2019 and PowerShell All-in-One For Dummies
Windows Server 2019 and PowerShell All-in-One For Dummies offers a single reference to help you build...

MandA IT Integration Checklist: Active Directory
If your organization is involved in a merger and acquisition, the impending IT integration project might...

Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies
The deepest reference on Microsoft's productivity service Office 365 offers the same productivity power...

PHP, MySQL, & JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies
Get the basics on four key web programming tools in one great book! PHP, JavaScript, and HTML5 are essential...

Dell EMC PowerEdge R7525 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Dell Technologies and AMD Virtualisation of Windows 10 desktops is increasingly relied upon by organisations...

Proofpoint Managed Services for Email Security
Finding the right staff to manage email security isn't easy. Ramping up new employees to full productivity...

PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript All-in-One For Dummies
Get the basics on four key web programming tools in one great book! PHP, JavaScript, and HTML5 are essential...
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