
15 Ways Your Website is Under Attack
Web applications are the home of your business on the internet. The functionality within your website,...

For digital sovereignty and transparency in the cloud
Shared use of infrastructure not only saves resources but also enables companies to push ahead with digitalisation...

Advanced MySQL 8
Design cost-efficient database solutions, scale enterprise operations and reduce overhead business costs...

Taking Public Sector Mobility to the Next Level
A new breed of tablets is powering ultra-mobility. Public sector employees have always been mobile, the...

Improve Productivity with Box and Office 365
In this guide, discover why Box is the perfect complement to Office 365 — and all the other apps you...

Big Data for Finance
Across industries, data continues to grow as an extremely valuable resource. This is especially true...

CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 5th Edition
Fully updated to cover the 2019 exam release! CompTIA's A+ certification is an essential certification...

Linux All-In-One For Dummies, 6th Edition
Inside, over 500 pages of Linux topics are organized into eight task-oriented mini books that help you...
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