Log Management

Centralised Control Simplifies Management, Boosts Security
Aquila Heywood wanted to update its privileged access management processes to increase data security...

Transforming Security in the Mobile Cloud Era
In the age of digital transformation, maintaining secure interactions among users, applications, and...

Why Corelight Is Your Best Next Move In Enterprise Security.
Despite spending billions annually on security infrastructure and services, even the most sophisticated...

The Top 5 Myths of Cloud Security
Hybrid cloud security is a hot topic, especially with the massive growth of public cloud providers like...

Understanding the Obstacles to WAN Transformation
Network engineering and operations leaders are looking to software-defined wide area networks (SD-WAN)...

Untangling the Web of Cloud Security Threats
Changing technologies and evolving threats make IT security more challenging. Business units are adopting...

10 Endpoint Security Problems Solved By The Cloud
Are you experiencing problems with your traditional AV solution? Read the eBook 10 Endpoint Security...

From Seismic Disruption to a New Era of Success
No one could have foreseen the terrible impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on humankind. In business too,...

Delivering Real-time Cloud Security Without Trading Off Performance
There has been a long-standing tradeoff between security and performance, and security often gets the...

Five things every business needs to know about GDPR
After years of preparation and drafting, the final t's were crossed and i's dotted on the General Data...

Cloud Security: From Start Point to End Point
Cloud computing offers organisations competitive advantages such as increased speed, agility, scale and...

Next-Gen Digital Transformation for Law Firms
Optimize opportunities to grow your practice and mitigate risk. Law firms, like other businesses, have...
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